The Policy Manager alert will be sent on three events:
- Evaluation exception occurred
- Remediation exception occurred
- A new endpoint was added and has relevant rules for provisioning, but was not processed during a timeout period
To manage the third case, a watchdog was introduced which sets timeout points for the endpoints of the type, described above. The timeout point is discarded on the successful evaluation for the endpoint.
General Watchdog Configuration
compliance.alert.timeout.sec=7200 # default
compliance.alert.watchdog.job.enabled=true # default
compliance.alert.watchdog.initial.delay.sec=1800 # default
compliance.alert.watchdog.interval.sec=300 # default
Each type of alert will be sent once on occurring. When the evaluation completes successfully, a 'Back to normal' alert will be sent
The following properties can be added in order to modify the subject and body of the different types of alerts.
# evalulation exception
mail.alerts.evaluation.subject=WARNING - Intigua Policy is inactive
mail.alerts.evaluation.text=Evaluation exception occurred: %s
# remediation exception
mail.alerts.remediation.subject=WARNING - Intigua Policy remediation inactive
mail.alerts.remediation.text=Remediation exception occurred: %s
# endpoint timeout exception
mail.alerts.timeout.subject=WARNING - Intigua Policy is inactive
mail.alerts.timeout.text=Evaluation timeout occurred
# back to normal alert
mail.alerts.restored.subject=Intigua Policy is back to normal
mail.alerts.restored.text=Intigua Policy is back to normal
The Policy Manager alert will be sent on three events:
To manage the third case, a watchdog was introduced which sets timeout points for the endpoints of the type, described above. The timeout point is discarded on the successful evaluation for the endpoint.
General Watchdog Configuration
Each type of alert will be sent once on occurring. When the evaluation completes successfully, a 'Back to normal' alert will be sent
The following properties can be added in order to modify the subject and body of the different types of alerts.