Option 1 - Use Connector CLI
Log in to the endpoint using SSH and have an elevated shell.
Run the following command
/usr/local/intigua/Intigua-Utils/intigua rmc
The connector should make self-removal.
Run the following command for Unix endpoints
./vlink_installer_solaris<version>_sparc64_<connector_version>_Release.bsx uninstall
./vlink_installer_AIX_power_4.2.3.23_Release.bsx uninstall
Option 2 - Manual removal
If Option 1 could not remove the Connector:
- Stop all running processes
- ps aux | grep connector64
- kill -9 <process ID>
- Stop and disable the “vAgent” processes
- ps aux | <process name>
- kill -9 <process ID>
- Delete the “Intigua” folder a. rm –rf /usr/local/intigua
Check if the Connector exists
Check running processes using (Process should not exist)
ps aux | grep connector64
Check if Connector folder exists (folder should not exist)
ls /usr/local/intigua
If both process and folder of the Connector does not exist - Connector is not installed on the endpoint
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