Deploying Connector on the Endpoint Itself Overview
Prepare The Script
Let's create the script on our Chef server because it needs to be local.
The connector needs to be downloaded to the machines, for that 2 ways are possibles:
1. Download the connector from the internet using those scripts:
- For CentOS, RHEL, OracleLinux, SUSE, AmazonLinux (
- For Ubuntu (
- In this case, you will have first to download the connector in your mounted disk.
- Check that all your machines can access the mounted disk.
- For CentOS, RHEL, OracleLinux, SUSE, AmazonLinux (
- For Ubuntu (
In both ways, you need to Configure CoreServerURL Parameter with your JetPatch Server address.
- Create/Check nodes group to apply the connector on multiple instances
- Create/Check file server mount point
Run The Script On Remote Machines
1. First, put the script into your mount point configured directory so it is accessible via the puppet file server. In the example above, a file at /etc/puppetlabs/modules/jetpatch/
would be available in manifests as puppet:///modules/jetpatch/
2. Now we need to create the puppet manifest that will transfer that script to the remote server(s) and execute it. For this article, we calling it jetpatchconnector.pp
in the path/etc/puppetlabs/manifests
Copy the code below to jetpatchconnector.pp file:
file { "/tmp/":
source => "puppet:///modules/jetpatch/",
mode => 0755,
} ->
exec { "/tmp/": }
3. Run the manifest, change "servers" with your group name:
bolt apply manifests/jetpatchconnector.pp --targets servers
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