If enabled, JetPatch attempts to remediate any exception generated by the policy engine.
it will attempt to deploy the managed services on the required machines in a smart group, or to remove the managed service on a smart group on which the policy specifies to ban them. You can learn more about the policy engine here.
When the Auto Fix Mode is Off, attempts to remediate will not happen automatically. These exceptions can be reviewed manually.
This attempted remediation will commence at defined dates and times and can be attempted Once or more times as defined by the user.
Moderate and Aggressive used to specify the rate at which multiple attempts at remediation are executed by the console. aggressive attempts will occur with a smaller interval of time between attempts.
These intervals are configurable in platform configuration -> settings -> advanced settings
- Moderate = Standard
- Aggressive = Frequent
Whatever number is last in the field will be the ultimate recurring retry interval.
Scheduler for auto fix
You can define a schedule for exception remediation attempts for specific days and times during the week.
This schedule can be defined for Upgrades only or for all actions.
When Upgrades Only is selected, The remediation will only apply for exceptions raised for the wrong tool version. All Actions will attempt to remediate all the exceptions raised by the policy engine. See the list of Exceptions here.
If this schedule is turned off, the attempts to fix (either once or multiple times) will occur as soon as possible.
A time frame could be defined by specific start and end times or could be set to all day long.
Note 1: the times are set according to the user’s browser’s local time zone as indicated in the ‘selected time zone window. Always pay attention to the time zone this schedule is defined for.
Note 2: Indication for existing exceptions to policy rules are always shown regardless of the auto-fix schedule activation. (Rewrite)
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