If you find yourself running into an issue where your JetPatch Management Console is running slow and you are unable to perform any automated task, there are a few things that should be checked when troubleshooting the issue.
- Is your environment sized properly?
- Have you optimized the DB? (Note: optimized DBs make a significant difference)
Modify Advanced Settings
- Modify server polling interval (s) (40 sec default)
- show server as disconnected after (m) (15 min default)
- max-allowed-concurrent-operations (175 default)
All other advanced settings we should as default (see article)
Environment Size Polling Interval (Seconds) Disconnect Timeout (Minutes) Max Concurrent Operations (Range) Micro (up to 1K) 40 15 150-175 Small (up to 3K) 50-70 18-25 175-200 Medium (up to 8K) 70-120 22-30 200-250 Large (up to 13K) 120-200 30-40 250-300 X-Large (up to 20K) 200-400 40-60 300-350 - In general, the larger these values, the better the performance, especially CPU and number of HTTP hits.
- If there is still a problem, then we can look into a couple more items
- Intigua.properties (compare settings against a new env running the same version)
- Database (DB) maintenance
- If there is still a problem, then gather and share the following logs:
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