Deploying Connector on the Endpoint Itself Overview
- Verify pre-reqs (very important)
- On the Windows endpoint, download the Windows Connector
- Alternatively, copy the latest exe from JetPatch Server (/usr/share/intigua/bin/)
- Once downloaded, run the following command as an administrator (make sure you modify the command to point to your JetPatch server)
vlink-win-win32_x64-Release.exe -out=install_state.log -coreserverurl="https://Your_JetPatch_Server_IP_or_Hostname/vmanage-server/"
3. Now connect to your JetPatch server and check that you can see the machine on the "Servers" page.
4. Next step
Note: Typically, connector installs in %Program_Files% . If you want a different location use the following example:
vlink-win-win32_x64-Release.exe -out=install_state.log -coreserverurl="" -locations="E:\NewFolder"
Verification and Troubleshooting
To verify the Connector was installed successfully:
- Check that the connector folder has been created - "%SystemDrive%:\program files\Intigua" (usually located in "C" drive).
- Check that the Connector service - "Intigua vAgentManager Service" is running
- If the coreserverurl needs to be modified, see this article.
If there are still issues, generate connector logs from the endpoint and contact the Support Team.
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