How Does JetPatch Collect Patch Updates?
Step 1 - Add the scheduling properties to JetPatch configuration
The default scheduling of the JetPatch cronjob is every day at 4 am for both Linux and Solaris.
These defaults can be changed by adding properties to JetPatch via the file.
Note - You can use this site to help you with your cron expression.
Linux Configuration
Solaris Configuration
CRON scheduling expressions examples -
- 0 4 * * * - Scan for updates every day at 04:00 AM
- 0 6 * * * - Scan for updates every day at 06:00 AM
An example of a line representing a scan every day at 04:00 AM is:
bulkrun.update-scan.linux.cron-expression=0 4 * * *
bulkrun.update-scan.solaris.cron-expression=0 4 * * *
Once you make the necessary changes, restart tomcat.
service tomcat restart
Step 2 - Wait for "Collect Endpoint Updates" activity to run
The next time JetPatch will run the "Collect Endpoint Updates" activity on the Linux/Solaris endpoint, the CRON schedule will be changed automatically.
New endpoints will get the configured scheduling also.
Note - The current scheduling for the JetPatch scan CRON job will be overridden by the newly configured expression that was set in JetPatch properties file (of default expression if nothing was added).
Relevant Properties for Collect Endpoint Updates - Manager initiated scans (with default values):
# Enable/disable the collect endpoint update script
# Minimum interval (in hours) an endpoint would be scanned with collect endpoint updates after a successful scan.
# Maximum time depends on number of connected endpoints, failure time and retries intervals, and number of parallel scan activities
# Max number of collect endpoint updates that can run in bulk
# Interval that checks whether there is still an endpoint that Collect Endpoint Update needs to run on based on the bulkrun.update-scan.periodical-run.delay.hours value
# Delay collect endpoint updates after restarting tomcat
# Length of time to wait if and endpoint fails with collect endpoint updates and maximum number of retries
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