If you are experiencing issues with a particular endpoint, or you have an issue with an agent running on an endpoint, please follow the below steps and send the relevant information to the JetPatch support team.
Generate Logs from the JetPatch Manager UI
1. In the Servers tab, find the endpoint you want to collect logs from.
2. Click on the name of the server
3. Click on Download Intigua Log Package in the window that pops up
Generate Logs from the Endpoint Itself
Option 1: Using Connector CLI
- Open a command line interface on the endpoint (on Windows, open as an Administrator), and navigate to the Intigua-Utils directory. The default path is:
- Windows:
C:\Program Files\Intigua\Intigua-Utils\
- Linux:
- Windows:
- Run the command (see below):
- Windows:
intigua clt
- Linux:
./intigua clt
- Windows:
/usr/local/intigua/Intigua-Utils/intigua collect_connector_data
Option 2: Copy all files within the Logs folder
The logs folder are located in:
- Windows:
C:\Program Files\Intigua\vAgentManager\log\
- Linux:
Troubleshooting Connector Logs
Runtime Logs
- Windows
- vlinkprocess*.txt - logs the connector main process operations (info/error/debug...)
- vlinkservice*.txt - logs the connector service operations
- Jetpatch_Enduser_App_log*.txt - logs the enduser notification operations
- Linux/Unix
- connector*.txt - logs the connector main process operations and connector service operations with a separate file
General Log Files
- current_connector_log.txt - contains the last connector runtime logs file content
- current_Status_file.txt - contains the last status file content with the updated data that will be sent to the Jetpatch server
- commands_dir_file_list.txt - contains the status of the command directory in the queue that the connector should execute
- /components/csclient.cfg - stored the relevant data regarding the connector communication with the Jetpatch server
See attached pdf (JetPatch Log Files - slides 12-17)
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