Option 1 - Use Connector CLI
Log in to the endpoint using SSH and have an elevated shell.
Run the following command to stop the Connector process:
/usr/local/intigua/Intigua-Utils/intigua hlt
Remove the connector with no confirmation (-f).
/usr/local/intigua/Intigua-Utils/intigua rmc -f
The connector should make self-removal.
To check if Connector is installed see the instruction below.
Option 2 - Manual removal
If Option 1 could not remove the Connector:
- Stop all running processes
- ps aux | grep connector64
- kill -9 <process ID>
- Stop and disable the “vAgent” processes
- ps aux | <process name>
- kill -9 <process ID>
- Delete the “Intigua” folder
rm –rf /usr/local/intigua
Check if Connector exists
Check running processes using (Process should not exist)
ps aux | grep connector64
Check if Connector folder exists (folder should not exist)
ls /usr/local/intigua
If both process and folder of the Connector does not exist - Connector is not installed on the endpoint
Option 1 - Use Connector CLI
Log in to the endpoint using RDP (or having remote execution privileges) and have an elevated shell.
Remove the connector with no confirmation (-f).
taskkill /F /IM vlink*
"C:\Program Files\Intigua\Intigua-Utils\intigua.exe" rmc -f
The connector should make self-removal.
To check if Connector is installed see the instruction below.
Option 2 - Manual removal
If Option 1 could not remove the Connector:
1. Stop and delete the "Intigua vAgentManager" service via command prompt in Administrator mode.
taskkill /F /IM vlink*
sc stop vagentmanager
sc delete vagentmanager
2. Then, run the following two commands to remove the connector from the endpoint
reg unload hklm\vmi
REGSVR32 /U "C:\Program Files\Intigua\vAgentManager\PackageManager\vlink\vlink_4.2.5.24\bin\IntCore64.dll"
rmdir /S /Q "C:\Program Files\Intigua\"
- You cannot be in the Intigua folder while running this command.
- Change vlink_4.2.5.24 with the proper connector version (based on observed folder path) or use powershell command instead of REGSVR32
Get-ChildItem "C:\Program Files\Intigua\vAgentManager\PackageManager\vlink\vlink_*" -Directory | ForEach-Object { if (Test-Path (Join-Path $_.FullName "bin\IntCore64.dll")) { Start-Process -FilePath "REGSVR32" -ArgumentList "/U $($_.FullName)\bin\IntCore64.dll" -Wait } }
Check if Connector exists
Check running processes using (Process should not exist)
tasklist | findstr vlinkprocess
Check if Connector folder exists (folder should not exist)
dir 'C:\Program Files\Intigua'
If both process and folder of the Connector does not exist - Connector is not installed on the endpoint
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