JetPatch will check the readiness of your endpoints based on the pre-requisites required to patch that endpoint
Endpoint Readiness Page
- Search - Search for any endpoint name
- Operating System Family - All/Linux/Windows/Solaris
- Endpoint Group - Filter by the existing Endpoint Groups in JetPatch
- Unmet Criteria - List of Readiness Criteria. Choosing an item from the list will show all the endpoints with this unmet criteria
- Endpoint Readiness - Ready (100%) / Not Ready (information is known and does not meet the readiness criteria) / Unknown (has missing information)
Note - Changing the filter will also change the graphs and the Endpoint Readiness table accordingly.
- Effective Readiness - calculated on all statuses (Ready, Not Ready, and Unknown)
- Total Readiness - calculated on what's Ready vs Not Ready (excluding Unknown)
- Endpoint Readiness - summarizes the global readiness status (Ready / Not Ready / Unknown)
- Unmet Criteria - summarizes the Unmet criteria in the environment
Note - "Endpoint Readiness" and "Unmet Criteria" graphs are clickable! When clicking on a section in the graphs it will add it to the filters above.
Buttons, actions, and last synced information
- Run Readiness Tests - Readiness collection action is executed every few minutes, depends on the settings (see "Readiness Checks Interval and Timeout" settings below).
The "Run Readiness Tests" allows the user to initiate Readiness status from the endpoints immediately without the need to wait for the next collection time. - Settings - Configuring Endpoint's Readiness settings
- Last synced data - representing the last time the readiness information pulled from JetPatch
Endpoints Readiness table
Shows every Readiness applicable endpoint in JetPatch with the readiness criteria for each one of them. The table provides additional information such as last readiness information collected and readiness percentage.
Moreover, endpoints can be selected to collect the Readiness data immediately from the endpoint.
Note1- JetPatch will send the request to collect the readiness data. The readiness criteria will be updated in the table once the collection has finished and transferred the information using the Connector status file. It may take several minutes.
Note2 - the Endpoints Readiness table can be downloaded using the bottom-left report action.
Readiness Signs
For every endpoint in the Readiness table:
Ready - a "Ready" criterion will be marked with a green checkmark -
Not Ready - If the criterion is not ready for the endpoint, it will be marked with a red "X" -
Unknown - If JetPatch didn't get the information or there are missing settings (for relevant criteria), the criterion will be "Unknown" and will be marked with a yellow "?" -
Not Applicable - Not all readiness criteria are applicable for every endpoint (for more information, check "Summary of Readiness Criteria for Operating Systems" section below) -
Connector Not Supported - if the Connector version installed on the endpoint is not supporting the Readiness feature, a red "!" will appear -
Additional Endpoint Information
There are two additional columns for each endpoint entry -
- Readiness Report Time - the last time the Connector communicated with JetPatch (It's not the last time the Readiness information was collected on the endpoint). Hovering the value will show the last time JetPatch detected a change in the endpoint readiness information.
- Endpoint Readiness - The average readiness of the endpoint, based on the applicable criteria. If there is an "Unknown" criterion it will be reflected in the Endpoint Readiness score as well and it will be "Unknown" too.
Report Download
Endpoints Readiness Report - by clicking on the Report icon in the bottom left of the table, JetPatch will send the Readiness table of the filtered endpoints.
Summary of the Readiness Criteria for Operating Systems
The Readiness Criteria is decided based on the Endpoint's Specific Operating System and environment
Windows Criteria:
Connector Installed | Repository Configured | PS Version | PS Execution Policy | WUA Communication | |
All Windows | V | V | V | V | V |
Linux Criteria:
Connector Installed | Subscription* | Advisories Ready | Packages Support | Repository Configured | |
RHEL (Not in AWS) | V | V | V | V | V |
RHEL (AWS) | V | V | V | V | |
SLES | V | V | V | V | V |
CentOS | V | V | V | ||
Amazon Linux | V | V | V | V | |
Oracle Linux | V | V | V |
V |
Ubuntu | V |
V |
* "Subscription" criterion check is also dependent on "Linux Subscription" settings.
Solaris Criteria:
Connector Installed | Subscription | Advisories Ready | Packages Support | Repository Configured | |
Solaris 11 | V | V | V | V | |
Solaris 10 | V | V |
More information on our readiness criteria.
Readiness Aspects in the Connector
The connector is running a Readiness script in a scheduled time (defined in the Readiness settings).
Readiness results are communicated over regular communication to JetPatch (Status files) without the need to make any active operation.
The Readiness configuration, result, and script can be found in "ep-readiness" folder inside the Connector "vAgentManager" folder.
Related Articles
- Endpoint readiness settings
- Readiness criteria guide and troubleshooting
- What is the patching checklist?
- Running a task
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