Note: for Software Distribution, see this article.
JetPatch enables the discovery of installed software and applications to identify deployment, operational status, and configuration details. This functionality is available in both patch and agent management environments.
Tools Discovery Overview
JetPatch Tools Discovery operates through two key methods:
- Collecting Data on Connected Endpoints
- Uploading a Discovery File to View Environment Status
1. Collect Software and Applications data on connected endpoints
You can discover data on installed software and applications running in your environment. The data discovered is in JSON format and includes the agent Name, OS family, and agent version. In order to collect and download the data please follow the next steps:
STEP 1: Enabling the suggested discovery JSON (enabled by default in 4.2.5+)
- SSH JetPatch Application Server
- Stop Tomcat (service tomcat stop)
- vi /usr/share/tomcat/default/conf/
- Add the following settings:
# Installed software data collection
5. Save and Exit
6. Restart tomcat (run command service tomcat restart)
STEP 2: Download Suggested Discovery file
- After enabling the above, please wait at least 20 minutes, then log in to JetPatch platform
- Go to Agents & Tools > Tools Catalog
- Click on the Tools Discovery button > 'Download suggested discovery file'.
Note: the suggested discovery file will download all Linux Package Names and all Windows Upgrade Codes that are installed on the connected endpoints
2. Creating and uploading the discovery JSON
JetAgent can also discover agents based on agent configurations and parameters. In order to do so, a JSON file with specific properties is needed. Follow the next steps to discover installed software using a discovery file:
STEP 1: Create a JSON discovery File
The JSON file should include the following fields:
- “name” (mandatory) - The name of the software.
- “searchBy” (mandatory) - has to include at least one “searchBy” parameters:
- packageName (valid for Linux) - searching for DEB/RPM packages installed with the same name
- upgradeCode (valid for Windows)
- "SOFTWARE\\\\Microsoft\\\\Windows\\\\CurrentVersion\\\\Installer\\\\UpgradeCodes" - for example
- productID (valid for Windows) - we are searching equivalent names in keys under:
- "SOFTWARE\\\\Microsoft\\\\Windows\\\\CurrentVersion\\\\Installer\\\\UserData\\\\S-1-5-18\\\\Products"
- "SOFTWARE\\\\Microsoft\\\\Windows\\\\CurrentVersion\\\\Uninstall"
- "SOFTWARE\\\\Wow6432Node\\\\Microsoft\\\\Windows\\\\CurrentVersion\\\\Uninstall"
- services (valid for Windows and Linux) - list of services.
- registry (valid for Windows) - list of registries key
- “configParams” (optional) - the user can configure it to extract the software configuration. This field should include:
- “name” (mandatory if configParams is exist) - The name of the requested configuration
- “type” (mandatory if configParams is exist) The type of the parameter (Need to check which types is valid here)
- “fromFile” (mandatory if “fromRegistry” is missing) -
- “filename” - the file name to extract the configuration
- “linePrefix” - the prefix of the line to extract the configuration value from. (we will extract all the string after the prefix provided)
- “fromRegistry” (mandatory if “fromFile” is missing) -
- “key”
- “value”
Please find the 'fully_discovery.json' file below for more references. The Discovery file includes the following agents and applications discovery: VMTools, Chrome, Adobe Acrobat Reader, Mcafee-agent, SCCM, fireeye, SCOM, Qualys, Loginsight, Zabbix and IEM.
STEP 2: Upload JSON to JetAgent Portal
- Go to Agents & Tools > Tools Catalog
- Click on the Tools Discovery button > 'Upload discovery file'.
Note: each upload will override the previous discovery file. In order to clear the results, please upload an empty JSON file and wait for the property sync (default 168 hours). You can set to 1 hour temporarily to clear the file faster (note: in JetPatch 4.2.8 an empty JSON file alone will clear results).
3. Managing Discovery Behavior
Disabling Native Agent Discovery
To stop agent discovery while keeping the property enabled:
- Create and upload an empty JSON file (
) through Tools Discovery > Upload Discovery File. (see attached empty JSON obj example) - Disable in
To Verify Current Configuration:
Run the following SQL query to confirm the content of the uploaded discovery file:
Re-enabling Discovery:
- Upload a valid JSON file with desired configurations to reactivate native agent discovery.
4. Reviewing and Managing Discovered Data
After the JSON discovery file is uploaded, the data should appear in system in several places (please wait at least ten minutes)
1. New Applications and Tools should appear in Tools Catalog with an 'unmanaged icon'. Drill down to see how many servers in your environment are running unmanaged tools.
Note: unmanaged tools from JSON must be present on at least one endpoint for it to show up on tools catalog
2. Data on specific servers appears in Servers tab.
- Log in to JetPatch server
- Go to Servers tab > Table Settings
- Select the 'unmanaged' columns
- You will now be able to see the servers which are running the software agents you have selected in step 3.
- Hover on the Tool icon to view the discovery date & time.
- To collect more statistics you can generate a CSV report.
Additional Configuration Properties
# Define max iteration if collect fails
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