1. Python version 3.4 and up on the JetPatch server. Learn more on intigua-python-client RPM
2. SSH to JetPatch server
3. Create a CSV file (use example below) or use the one attached at the bottom of the article. Be sure to remove the example row once the CSV is completed.
4. Use the attached text file as a sample for adding the appropriate operating system to your .csv (See JetPatch supported platforms before running the script)
5. Create API key, refer to Granting API Permission URL for more details.
Run Script
Execute the command from JetPatch Server (make sure you are under dir /opt/intigua-python-client/) --apikey <APIKEY> --url https://<DNS>/vmanage-server/rest/rest-api --user <username> --file <filename>.csv
Newly-added endpoints appear in the endpoint list with the initial status of Untested. Upon first connector deployment or upon a manual Refresh status from the Servers tab, the connection status will be updated.
Test your credentials: --apikey <APIKEY> --url https://<DNS>/vmanage-server/rest/rest-api --user <username>
The result of this command should be:
Successfully fetched Credentials
Note: If there is still an issue, try creating a new local Administrator account and generate a new API key.
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