WSUS group Management allows full synchronization of JetPatch groups with WSUS groups and management of WSUS server and Replicas groups from JetPatch UI.
Once JetPatch is configured to a specific WSUS, JetPatch imports all the WSUS groups and creates relevant Smart Groups in JetPatch. From that moment all the control of WSUS is transferred to JetPatch, thus the user doesn’t have to use different platforms to manage the patching process of Windows OS endpoints.
Synchronizing Groups with WSUS Discovery Source
- When WSUS server is defined in JetPatch as Discover Source for Windows End points all groups that are defined in WSUS server and Replicas are automatically synchronized with JetPatch, while every WSUS group is a new Smart Group in JP based on a tag similar to WSUS group name.
- After synchronization process is completed any new Smart Group created or updated on JetPatch will be automatically created\updated on WSUS Server and\or Replicas.
- When CRUD action on any Smart Group is completed the group status on the table on System>Smart Groups will be updated according to the below statuses
- Ready - The group is successfully created and synchronized with WSUS Server and relevant Replica. Ready for patching.
- Creating Group - Updating the the created group on WSUS Server. Group with this status can't yet be used for patching.
- Creation Failed
- Synchronizing Group - Updating the changes of the group on WSUS server and replicas
- Synchronize Failed
- Deleting Group
- Deletion Failed
In case of one of the operations has failed the detailed information regarding failure reason can be found in Logs&Alerts!
Additional Information
Please note that any changes manually imposed to WSUS, i.e. not using JetPatch, will be reverted back to the settings as they appear in JetPatch. Once JetPatch is configured to WSUS it becomes the sole manager of WSUS.
If the WSUS has replicas, JetPatch currently can manage up to one level of depth (i.e. Replicas of Replicas are not supported) and only if the replicas are configured in Server Targeting Mode (i.e. Client targeting mode currently is not supported).
Upgrade to version 4.2.2
When the system is upgraded to version 4.2.2 from any older version the assumption is that all groups on WSUS and Jetpatch are aligned and the migration logic is performed the same way as for any Computer Group to Smart Group migration as described in Managing Smart Groups Article.
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