This article will show you how to generate a custom report in few simple steps. You might be asking yourself what is a custom report ? Well, a custom report provides you all data on a group of endpoints (or all endpoint) which ran a certain task. For example, all endpoints in the group US-EAST that were rebooted. The report also provides the status of the task.
Generate a custom report
- Create a script you would like to run on a certain endpoint group.
- Create a new Task and make sure you use the script you just created in step 1.
- From JetPatch's main menu click on Endpoints > Management. Use the filters to select the relevant endpoints. Use the checkbox to check all endpoints / specific endpoints from the table current view.
- Click on 'Select action > Run task' and select the task you have created in step 2. Click on 'Run Task'. Please note you can also schedule the task time.
- Go to 'endpoints > Activities' and filter by task name.
- To generate the report, scroll down and click on the save icon. You can either download a full activities CSV report or a report without full details . Note: if you open the CSV in excel, by default, some Output text will be cut off. Thus, you can get all the text to show by highlighting the whole Output column and Wrap Text (Home > Wrap Text)
Related Questions -
1. What's the maximum number of concurrent operations I can run?
The concurrent operations (i.e running tasks on endpoints, installing patches) is dynamic and can be configured in the advanced settings, default is 10. To change your current configuration go to 'Platform Configuration' > 'Settings' > 'Advanced Settings' and click the edit configuration button (such change requires to restart tomcat).
2. How is the task running on the endpoint?
The task you have selected to run is basically converted into a script which is running on the endpoint itself. Hence, if you have created a one-liner script (script source is 'one-liner') make sure you use escape characters properly.
For example, instead of running :
wmic qfe where "InstalledOn like '%/%/2021'" get Caption,Description,HotfixID,InstalledOn
wmic qfe where "InstalledOn like '%%/%%/2021'" get Caption,Description,HotfixID,InstalledOn
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