Check If Nginx is configured properly
sudo nginx -t
If the system is responding as below, Nginx is configured properly.
nginx: the configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf syntax is ok
nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test is successful
Validate JetProxy Is Working Internally
To check if the JetProxy is working internally, just open a browser application (Chrome, Safari) and try to reach
You should redirect to the JetPatch login screen. In case it is not happening, check for firewall rules configuration on the JetProxy to enable incoming HTTP/HTTPS communication.
To check if the JetProxy is also redirecting the WSUS:
502 Bad Gateway
This error is mostly happening because of an SSL routine error. (SSL_HandShake_Error)
You can check the error by consulting the Nginx errors log:
sudo tail -30 /var/log/nginx/error.log
To resolve this issue install the same certificate used in JetPatch Server on JetProxy.
Replace intigua.crt and intigua.key located in /etc/nginx with your own certificate (put attention that the names must stay the same, if not you will have to change the names of the certificates in /etc/nginx/conf.d/intigua.conf file).
Once done restart the Nginx service.
systemctl restart nginx
504 Gateway Timeout
If received the page 504 Gateway Timeout Error on Https/443 port. It can mean that the port is closed or not allowed. First please check that your firewall is allowing this communication.
If you checked all the firewall rules and cannot find any block/stop on the network, you can increase the following timeout values by adding the file/etc/nginx/conf.d/timeout.conf
in the proxy server then input the bellow configuration to it.
Once done restart the Nginx service.
proxy_connect_timeout 600;
proxy_send_timeout 600;
proxy_read_timeout 600;
send_timeout 600;
Other Issues
Re-run the proxy script
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