InstallationNote: The Self-Packager works best in Chrome. Firewall Pre-req: Verify that port 80 is open for incoming connections in the firewall\iptables
Linux InstallationLinux machines must have libX11 package installed to run the server. Run Server as a Service
Windows InstallationRun Server as a Service
On x64 Windows machines: When installing SelfPackager using the MSI, the library folder of the packages will be under Program Files (x86). UpgradesLinux UpgradeCurrent Installation: Run Server by Command Installation
Current Installation: Run Server as a Service
Windows UpgradeCurrent Installation: Run Server by Command Installation
Current Installation: Run Server as a Service
Troubleshooting During Installation and UpgradeOld Selfpack service preventing upgrade:
Sometimes during an upgrade, the old selfpack service is running, and it interferes the new installation. To solve this, before running the ./ try and disable the selfpack service.
Try this:
systemctl stop selfpack ./ systemctl start selfpack Please run these in the command line before attempting to upgrade to a new version.
Insserv The warning messages of insserv can appear during a conflict between the install command "update-rc.d selfpack defaults" and other scripts you may have running. To remediate this, you can run a sudo command like "sudo nano /etc/" and add LSB tags at the beginning of the file. ### BEGIN INIT INFO
# Provides: scriptx # Required-Start:
# Required-Stop:
# Default-Start: 2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop: 1 0 6
# Short-Description: ...
# Description: ... ### END INIT INFO
Any Other Issue If any issues persist during installation or upgrade, please procure the web service logs from the machine running the self packager. Windows \Program Files (x86)\SelfPackager\intigua-packager-log Linux: /opt/rest/intigua-packager-log |
is the Windows 2019 supported?
Yes Erwin,
The instance of self pack can be installed and used on windows 2019
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