Open update publisher (
Press on “Update” button, to create a new entry:
Press “Browse” button, to add a source file for the current new entry:
Move to the Source file main folder and choose the desired file:
choose the file by Double click on it. The file will connect to the package.
Select, Copy and Paste the “Package source” file name to your custom url location. Make sure your WSUS machine has an access to this file.
Press the Next Button:
Paste again the filename into the textbox of the “Description” field:
Choose a title for the current entry that most fit to the application in the next format: application name + version number + architecture:
Choose a vendor and put in Vendor.
Choose a product name ant put in Product.
In “More info URL”
Press the Next Button until you get to “Supersedence” Tab:
To fill the Supersede Tab please follow the instructions of next document.
Press the Next Button:
The “Applicability” Tab will apear:
The first appearance of this tab should be empty:
So, press the “create new rule statement” button.
Then “Applicability Rule” window will appear:
A. On the first field (“Rule type:”) press on “File” in the combo box and choose “Saved rule” ( I assume that you environment holds more than 1 saved rule):
Alternatively, you can use all other options other than "Saved Rule".
B. Choose any rule from the list and press “ok”. The rule will appear in the father window:
C. Now press on the rule and delete it:
(you have to do steps A-C otherwise you will get a Junk data)
D. Now, repeat A. and B. steps while in b. Choose a desire rule (and not any).
In the next screenshot I chose an applicability rule for Chrome:
E. double click on the row that includes the version number and change the number of the version as you need (I changed 110.0.5481.97 → 120.0.6099.62).
In my example the value is the last field in the relevant window:
To apply the change press “ok”:
Press the Next Button:
You are on “Installed” Tab. Repeat A-E steps as in the previous tab (Applicability) and choose the relevant rule:
Press the Next Button twice, untill you see the “Cancel” button change into “Close”. Then press “Close”.
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